Wednesday, October 29, 2008

In The Fog...

My girls, who were snug in their beds, informed me that it was too foggy to go to school today! I think not being able to see across the street qualifies as a reason to stay home, keep on the pj's, warm up some apple cider, wrap up in a quilt and take the day off.....oh, sorry....i just escaped to my happy spot for a moment. reality is the school bus will be here in 9 minutes and i have a job to arrive at....a slow day will have to wait.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Believe me, I've had some hard, downright awful homeschool days, but knowing I don't have to leave the house in the fog is great! My kids are dying for it to rain because I promised I'd make them mac-n-cheese for lunch on the first rainy day. That was months ago, but they haven't forgotten!