Friday, July 28, 2006

Hiking the Mountains

My two sons and I spent last Monday morning hiking one of the mountains in our area (Bishops Peak). It was hot! It was time well spent, though. It is different just spending time with the boys. Their energy, talk, humor, and spirit is different from 'the girls'. We have made a habit this summer of trying to hike once a week, swim once a week, and we now have added a bike ride. It has been good.

I was talking loosely with the boys on Romans 5:3-5. "And not only this, but we also exult in our tribulations, knowing that tribulation brings about perseverance; and perseverance, proved character; and proven character, hope; and hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out within our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us." With the boys I was talking about perseverance but this morning I was focusing on what that scripture says about hope. "...hope does not disappoint." I realize the I am good at following the above reference but stop short on the disappointment part. If we hope than it does not disappoint. Does that mean we aren't disappointed? No, it just means because of the love of God we have His spirit and that should frame our disappointments. That is what really proves our character.

Monday, July 24, 2006

Emu and you... the neighbors are calling Patty Smith and I Emu whisperers! It is true. We had an Emu in our neighborhood on Friday morning. Our local paper covered it. Unfortunately, the reporting wasn't quite correct. No, animal services did NOT show up. The care and capture all took place with neighbors and myself. We live in a great community! Who knew we would spend our Friday morning with an EMU?!

How Hot Is It?

I spent the weekend in 110 degree weather in LA. My daughter was in a soccer tournament. WOW. I am amazed at those little girls stamina and endurance. They lasted three games in less than 24 hours which included a 4:30am fire alarm evacuation Saturday night. These girls are my heroes at the moment.

I knew I shouldn't have picked patience...

In our Fruits of the Spirit bible study for next year I drew the short straw and am teaching on patience. The lecture gals have all had good laughs (and insight) as to how the Lord is going to teach them about their particular fruit. My 'fruit' seems to need to be picked every day! I haven't had a day go by in weeks in which this character trait hasn't come flying to the forefront. I have spent the last 10 days disconnected. I don't mind if it is of my choosing, but when it is the cable companies fault - aagghhh. I use technology in all aspects of my life. I haven't been all that patient with this blip. Needless to say we are back up and running, whew.....

I spent 22 minutes talking to a recorded voice last week. That is how our cable company filters its calls. At the end of those 22 minutes I finally screamed, "I want to talk to a live person." In which the recorded voice responded, "I'm sorry. I do not recognize your reply." AAGGGHHHH!!!!

I'm thankful for a Lord and saviour who can listen to my 22 minutes of rambling and NEVER replies, "I do not recognize you!." Praise the Lord for His undeniable, unending patience.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Happy Birthday Jacob!

Yes, we celebrate the brother's birthdays just two weeks apart. Our beloved Jacob turns 7 today! There is something special in turning 7. The Lord our God created the heavens and the earth in 6 days and rested with a, "...and it is good." We are resting today with our Jacob. The Lord has done good work in him and it is good!!

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Sorry I haven't posted in a week or so. My ISP is having problems. Hope to be back up in a day or two....stay tuned.

Friday, July 07, 2006

Joey's Birthday

My son turns 11 today...he is knocking on the door of manhood. "and behold a voice out of the heavens said, 'this is my beloved Son, in whom I am well-pleased'". (and so am I)!

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

July 4th and Eagle Scouts

This July 4th seems a little different for me. The long weekend started with a garage sale in which much of our 'baby' items were sold or given away. Our family has entered the phase when the youngest is moving up the ladder a little. It actually made me think of our oldest (who will be 11 this week). The youngest might be moving out of 'baby and toddlerhood', but the oldest is moving closer to entering 'young manhood'. One of his pursuits is scouting. The emblem in this post is a life goal for him. Not only for him to earn it but then to live it.

His troop and many friends had the heartwarming opportunity to witness two family friends receive their Eagle Scout Medals at an Eagle Scout Court of Honor on Sunday. Words really don't describe what an accomplishment this is. It isn't really an accomplishment of tasks as the world would define it. It is an accomplishment of the heart, mind and soul. It is looking beyond yourself to others. It is about learning life skills of truth, integrity, and honor. It is about leading with eyes forward yet reaching backwards with your hand. It is about taking steps large enough to lead those around you onward but not so big that the smallest can't find the steps.

Congratulations to Matt Gould and Seth Weeks! As the Scoutmaster said, "we always look to encourage the next generation to be a little better than our own. In these two young men, that was accomplished."

Saturday, July 01, 2006


"True patriotism springs from a belief in the dignity of the individual, freedom and equality not only for Americans but for all people on earth." Eleanor Roosevelt

"He who love not his home and his country which he has seen, how shall he love humanity in general which he has not seen?" William Ralph Inge


Summer Must Mean Pool Time

Summer at our home means lots of pool and water time. Thankfully we have a local public pool which my kids call home most of the summer! Their favorite activity on Sunday afternoons is to swim with dad. I think it has something to do with the Ice Cream he treats them to afterward!!