Wednesday, July 23, 2008

A Blog Break

Hi blogger buddies.....I'm going to take a blog break for a couple of weeks. I blog suicide to do that, but I hope you will bookmark my blog and check back in....

Monday, July 21, 2008

A Recommendation

I know...four posts in one day. That is what happens when you take a bit of a all comes racing back.

Here is a link to Angie Smith's blog. You might be asking who is Angie Smith? She is a woman, a wife, a mom of four (three with her and one with the Lord), a christian, and a gifted writer. I have been following her blog for several months as she and her husband Todd have shared their story over the past year. Any Selah fan's out there? Todd Smith should now ring a bell - he is the lead singer in that group.

Take the time to go back and read her blog - you will be blessed, but read today's entry. I linked it on Angie's name in the above paragraph. Let me know your thoughts - let Angie know as well.

Will I Fall Down and Worship?

LPL Minneapolis from Rich Kalonick on Vimeo.

Take a moment or two and watch this re-cap video of Living Proof Ministries Live! Look at the women's faces....really look. Notice the age range, the depth in each persons eyes. It is as if you could almost see their story. Revival is happening within the women of this nation. I firmly believe if we were to let go of all our false idols and submit to the Lord with every fiber of our being that the men would be freed up to be who they are supposed to be in Christ.

Eternal Twins

A glance into a Grant family breakfast conversation...

"Well, it is true. We do look a lot alike."

"But I am older"

"yeah, but I weigh more by two pounds and my feet are bigger."

"Mom, do people really think Jacob and I are twins?"

"Yes, they do. I'm asked about it weekly."

"I think that is so funny, but we would be fraternal twins because we don't look identical."

"Honey, I think the fact that you are a girl and he is a boy takes you out of the identical loop."

giggles..."oh yeah. Hey Jacob, you and I could be fraternal twins if we weren't two years apart"

(this goes along with the ongoing comment by one of the children that 'it is the same, yet different.) hmmmnnnn...

Later in the morning.....

Elena (who is 6) walks up to me and and asks, "Mom, what are eternal twins?" OK....I could not let that teaching moment past. It has become one my new favorite thoughts....eternal twins. I'm thinking all of us who believe in Christ are 'eternal fraternal twins."

What is Church, part IV

Interspersed with some personal posts, I will continue this dialog on What Is Church for awhile. Those who know me realize at some point I will probably question you as to why you do what you do. Not for the purpose of analyzing or judging, but to bring about the thought process of why do you do what you do. I am not a fan of people walking with the masses without thinking through why you are walking. The topic really doesn't matter - the question is the same. Why did you choose that educational direction for your child, why do you live in the city you live in, why do you eat....., why do you go to bible study, why do you drive a......, why do you watch TV (go to the movies, read fiction)? All why questions with varying responses. I admit I am most engaged by people who think through their lives. Their responses intrigue is God's way of showing me his creative diversity.

At the moment I am asking the What is Church question which really is the Why Church question. I am cutting and pasting a blog post I read recently. I don't necessarily promote his blog or his views, but this entry was interesting...what do you think?

"Anyhow, I’ve been reflecting, recently, on church and why it’s important. You should know, I go to church. Regularly, even. I enjoy it, but that’s not why I go to church.

We don’t go to a particularly intellectually challenging church, but it is a place that seeks to be diverse and intentional about its place in the community. I like that, but that’s not why I go to church.

We have a sunday school class that meets each sunday morning, I find it more intellectually stimulating, but that’s not why I go to church.

The sunday morning worship is exciting, but that’s not why I go to church.

There’s a strong corpus of likeminded Christians that attend our church, but that’s not why I go to church.

Our church has the capacity to change me and make me a better person, and while that gets a little closer to the meat of the issue, that’s not why I go to church either.

There was a man, we’ll call him George, in my Sunday school class. He passed away last week. He was probably in his mid 70’s. George loved God, like really loved her. George had a passion for sharing the gospel–he had been a missionary before he retired. George was about as conservative as they come, politically…and probably theologically, too.

I go to church so that I can be a part of a community with people like George. His wisdom, his love of God, his devotion to bringing about the Kingdom of God on earth, they’re all things I desperately needed–and desperately need. I need to see and grow and be a part of a community of believers who are not just of like minds.

Of course, I could get that online. I could point to a plethora of sites that don’t share the same allegiances as I some to a small degree and others to a greater degree. However, calling these places community in most cases would be a stretch. Also, there are certain kinds, a certain specific demographic, of people who blog.

All that to say this: settling with being a part of the Church allows you to comfortably place yourself in communities wherein you can be lulled into a sense of happiness and contentment–happiness and contentment are much less likely in a church. Frankly, I think contentment is one of Satan’s (literal or figurative) biggest lies. As Christians, I hold that we’ve been called to be discontent creatures. Now, I think that our discontent should be a hopeful and joyful discontent, but it is a discontent with sin and division and hate, nonetheless.

George didn’t have a blog. I couldn’t just log in and get my daily dose of George. In order to be a part of George’s life, to be in community with George, I needed to go to church.

George is not an outliar. There are lots of Georges in lots of different churches. There are lots of things to like about the Georges there, and lots of things that will, rightly, drive you nuts about them–some will even hurt you deeply. But, in the end, if you’re satisfied to be a part of the Church without being a part of a church–you’ll miss out on some important stuff."

Does this resonate with you? Do your church leaders know that it resonates with you? Care to comment? What role does the Holy Spirit have in the above quote? How do we go about seeking a church? Why are so many young believers not attending church? Are they missing out or misunderstood? Do you even ask the questions?

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Happy Birthday, Jacob!

It's your you share with your uncle greg. You are curious, funny, helpful, full of life, and a joy to be around. You walk to a beat of a different drum, but one created by God just for you. You are on the cusp of looking towards manhood, but you are all 9 year old boy!!!

Happy Birthday

Saturday, July 19, 2008

I'm taking the Road Less Traveled today over at Sojourner's Journal. Come on over and walk with me....

Friday, July 18, 2008

What Is Church, part III

Did you read the comments from the two earlier posts on this topic? You should. They are both well written. As I responded in the comment field to Nate, I will be posting my thoughts on this topic soon, but still have a few questions for you to think through. Nate laid out (although brief) Why Church for him. I know he will respond to this, but I am asking you as well. Could the same points he made for his desires to attend church be used for someone to not attend church? I'm still interested to see if anyone will post their thoughts biblically on church attendance. Nate's comment touched on a few passages. Anything else come to mind? Here is something to ponder...

Has it ever occurred to you that one hundred pianos all tuned to the same fork are automatically tuned to each other? They are of one accord by being tuned, not to each other, but to another standard to which each one must individually bow. So one hundred worshippers meeting together, each one looking away to Christ, are in heart nearer to each other than they could possibly be were they to become "unity" conscious and turn their eyes away from God to strive for closer fellowship. Social religion is perfected when private religion is purified.
A.W. Tozer

Missions is not the ultimate goal of the church. Worship is. Missions exists because worship doesn't.
John Piper

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

What is Church, part II

Ok...lots of 'lurkers' out there, but no takers on What Is Church comments. I'm not surprised. The reasons for that form part of my beliefs on church. How about this quote then,

"As I look around on Sunday morning at the people populating the pews, I see the risk that God has assumed. For whatever reason, God now reveals himself in the world not through a pillar of smoke and fire, not even through the physical body of his Son in Galilee, but through the mongrel collection that comprises my local church and every other such gathering in God's name. In this confused and confusing world, we are called to share in the representation of what God is like, to give God form in this world. Martin Luther called us "God's masks": because the world cannot withstand the direct force of God's glory, he said, God uses human beings as the prime expression of himself....We humans cause God great pain, yet God remains passionately involved with us. Should not I have something of that same attitude toward the church around me?"

The above quote is from Philip Yancy in his book entitled, Church: Why Bother? Interesting thoughts that come from a section of teaching out of 1 Corinthians. I don't think any believing Christian would argue his thoughts. My question to you is this, how do you think that relates to the institution of church? Do you believe scripturally that the Lord commands us to be in community within a church setting? What do you think? Game enough to leave a comment....?

What is Church?

I've been asking a few people lately why they go to church? What they believe the purpose of church is? What Hebrew 10:23-25 means to them? What role the church is to be in their life? What would your answers be? Leave me a comment or two...

"Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in spirit and in truth." John 4:23-24

Are you familiar with the song I Worship You by Steve Merkel? Great words, great tune. Travis Cottrell has one of the most moving versions of this on his Unashamed Love album. Here are the lyrics....ponder these today.

I worship You Jesus
I worship You
For You alone are holy
You alone are God
You alone are worthy
Of the longing of my heart

I give You praise Jesus
I give You praise
For You alone are holy
You alone are God
You alone are worthy
Of the longing of my heart

I love you Lord Jesus
I love You Lord
For You alone are holy
You alone are God
You alone are worthy
Of the longing of my heart.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Where Am I Today?

I posted on Nehemiah and the topic of Simplify, Focus, Execute on Sojourner's Journal today....come over and take a peek...

Monday, July 07, 2008

Happy Birthday, Joey

All he wanted to do was go fishing for his birthday...the Lord granted that desire. This young man much closer to being a man than a boy.

"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, And before you were born I consecrated you; I have appointed you a prophet to the nations. Then I said, Alas, Lord God! Behold, I do not know how to speak, because I am a youth. But the Lord said to me, Do not say, I am a youth, because everywhere I send you, you shall go, and all that I command you, you shall speak. Do not be afraid of them, For I am with you to deliver you, declares the Lord. Then the Lord stretched out His hand and touched my mouth, and the lord said to me, Behold, I have put My words in your mouth." Jer 1:5-10

This son of ours whom we are so well pleased...

Saturday, July 05, 2008


We were able to spend a couple of days camping with friends....nice to enjoy the fellowship and the beauty of the ocean.

the road less traveled, always...

whew....draw me, Lord

where one goes...the other follows

the tiniest of crabs...even in Elena's littlest hand!

Wednesday, July 02, 2008


I have been studying the I AM statements in the book of John lately. This poem was spoken by Priscilla Shirer at this past weekend's Deeper Still Event. **updated** The authors of these lyrics are the group Aaron Jeoffrey . Hope it encourages you today.


In Genesis, He's the breath of life
In Exodus, He is the Passover Lamb
In Leviticus, He's our high priest
In Numbers, the fire by night
Deuteronomy, He's Israel's Guide
Joshua, He's salvation's choice
Judges, He's Israel's Guard
In Ruth, the kinsmen's redeemer
1st and 2nd Samuel, our trusted prophet
In Kings and Chronicles He is Sovereign
In Ezra, He's the true and faithful scribe
In Nehemiah, the re-builder of broken walls and lives
In Esther, He's Mordecai's courage
In Job, the timeless redeemer
In Psalms He is our morning song
In Proverbs, He is our wisdom
Ecclesiastes, He's the time and season
In Song of Solomon, He is the lover's dream
In Isaiah He is Prince of Peace
In Jeremiah, the weeping prophet
Lamentations, the cry for Israel
Ezekiel, the call from sin
Daniel, the stranger in the fire
Hosea, the forever faithful
Joel, the spirit's power
Amos, the strong-arms that carry
Obadiah, the Lord our Savior
Jonah, the great missionary
Micah, the promise of peace
Nahum, our strength and shield
In Habakkuk and Zephaniah, He's brings revival
In Haggai He restores that which was lost
IN Zachariah, He's our fountain
And in Malachi, He's the son of righteousness rising with healing in His wings

In Matthew Mark Luke and John, He is God and Messiah
In the spirit filled book of Acts, He is the reigning fire from Heaven
In Romans, He is the grace of God
Corinthians, the power of love
Galatians, freedom from the curse of sin
Ephesians, our glorious treasure
Philippians, the servant's heart
Colossians, He's God and the trinity
Thessalonians, our calling King
In Timothy, Titus and Philemon, He's our mediator and our faithful pastor
In Hebrews, the everlasting courage
In James, the one who heals the sick
In 1st and 2nd Peter, our faithful shepherd
In John and Jude, He's the lover coming for His bride

AND in the Revelation, in the very end, when it's all over, said and done, when time is NO MORE. He is and will always be the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, Prince of Peace, son of Man, Lamb of God, The Great I am, Alpha and Omega, God and Savior He is Jesus Christ the Lord HE IS EVERYTHING THAT YOU NEED!