Tuesday, July 15, 2008

What is Church?

I've been asking a few people lately why they go to church? What they believe the purpose of church is? What Hebrew 10:23-25 means to them? What role the church is to be in their life? What would your answers be? Leave me a comment or two...

"Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in spirit and in truth." John 4:23-24

Are you familiar with the song I Worship You by Steve Merkel? Great words, great tune. Travis Cottrell has one of the most moving versions of this on his Unashamed Love album. Here are the lyrics....ponder these today.

I worship You Jesus
I worship You
For You alone are holy
You alone are God
You alone are worthy
Of the longing of my heart

I give You praise Jesus
I give You praise
For You alone are holy
You alone are God
You alone are worthy
Of the longing of my heart

I love you Lord Jesus
I love You Lord
For You alone are holy
You alone are God
You alone are worthy
Of the longing of my heart.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting topic. In the past few months my questioning/seeking friend has posed many questions to me. One of her problems with Christianity is the problems she's seen in the church, or really her problems with "religion". Here is my answer to her from an old email (it breaks in to the topic mid-email):

You said "I’ve never understood why that isn’t the main belief of organized religion". Well here is what I believe should be the main belief - or what I will call the main purpose. The church does have some clear biblical purposes, which all are part of "being Jesus" to the world. We are to be about what he did when he was on the earth: teach Biblical doctrine, fellowship with each other, encourage each other, share the gospel with the world, worship God together, remember Christ's sacrifice through observing the Lord's supper, love others, pray, and minister to those in need both in the church and outside the church (I didn't list these in any specific order). The Bible also says that God has prepared in advance good works (deeds) for us to do, and that he even gives us the desire to do them! (Ephesians 2:10 and Philippians 2:13) So that is my purpose, part of it acting individually and part of it as a member of the body of Christ (another term for the church). That is what I see as what a church should proclaim as it's purpose, though it has many parts. I think the main ones are sharing the gospel with the world and ministering to the needs of people (esp the most helpless), with the other purposes necessary to keep on the right path, remain in close relationship with God, keep each other healthy, and keep our motives pure. There are many churches out there doing this.
