Sunday, March 29, 2009

mama had a weekend in seclusion (as in BY HERSELF...)
a journal of pics for you...

friday evening started like this....aaahhhh

and loved this...

was treated to two evenings of these...

breakfast of champions...or merely hungry and didn't know where else to go...

a little more of this...with my bible - check,
pencil - check, devotional - check, ipod - check...

my weekend ended like this....feet up, sunshine....good.

a big thank you to those who provided....the family for allowing mom to get away, and the friends who loaned me their home....heart is full and overflowing...thanks.

1 comment:

Katie Lady said...

Wow, I'm jealous! Tim and I have been challenging each other for more than five years now to take a weekend ALONE with our favorite things to just BE. As of yet, only one of us has gone for that reason. Maybe this year?? Good to see you're taking care of you. HUGS