Friday, November 21, 2008

does it not strike anyone else as funny that our local Mervyn's store has a HUGE, i mean HUGE sign hanging across the front of its store saying this....

and right underneath it has another very large banner which says this...

ok....must be me then....'cuz those two signs together don't yell Job Security!

1 comment:

Katie Lady said...

It happened here, too, at our Mervyn's and I actually asked the clerk if it was correct. She said "yes, as soon as the employees learned it was closing, they left (wisely) and they found other jobs. But now Mervyn's still needs people to work hard and close the store." Not exactly a wise move, but I guess it's something on a resume if you need it, eh?

I'm sorry you're losing Mervyn's! There aren't many other department stores in SLO town.... :(