Sunday, August 05, 2007

Irons and Life Skills

"Mom, would you iron this shirt for me for church?" OK....I think I might be a bit weird, but I actually like to iron. I don't do it very much. The fibers of our clothing don't demand it like they used to. When I was little I used to earn money by ironing my dad's handkerchiefs and the pillow cases. There is a sense of accomplishment in ironing. I think that is why I like it. I actually feel like I made a difference. You can see the difference. Face it...I can check it off the to-do list.

Joey asked me to iron for him this morning. I realized it is high time he learned the life skill of ironing. We have markers in our family for learning different life skills. He does his own laundry, cleans his bathroom, mows the lawns, grudgingly cleans up his room. I have a friend who taught her homeschool sons a course she entitled "Life Skills for Bachelors". She did some really fun, creative things. Time to add ironing to Joey's list.

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