Sunday, April 27, 2008

200th Post!!!

Happy 200th Post.....thank you for reading along!!

It is fitting that this post is being celebrated today. I am just finishing a weekend of "girl time" with some "girls" I hold deep in my heart. Our local church just concluded our annual Women's Conference. I was able to soak up God's word from the inside out as it was delivered by three of the best, Liz Young, Sue Donaldson and Laurie Potratz. They collectively spoke on Colossians 2:6-7. The Lord makes Himself BIG when the word is humbly spoken....

A few take aways....Liz Young, "The Father's voice comes from the word of God", "Does Jesus have a level of importance in our lives that we always expect to see him?", "Exercise your knowledge in faith.", "Resting in His word is what it means to be grounded."

Sue Donaldson..."Growing has to do with progress and process", "Spiritual growth is developing a family likeness to Christ", "What distractions are we indulging in that are decreasing our appetite for Him?" "A good friend points you towards Jesus!", "He wants us to finish. He doesn't care what the finishing time is..."

Laurie Potratz..."God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in him", "God who knows us best, loves us most", "Our (eternal) destination should make a difference and allow us to live in victory", "Lets be thankful for who God is - not for what He does"

Well done, ladies. A lot to Howard Hendricks words..."The Lord was well pleased, the work well done, and the word well used."

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