Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Proverbs 31

"Strength and dignity are her clothing, and she smiles at the future." Proverbs 31:25

This is part of our future. My daughter's fourth grade Sunday School class gets together one Friday night a month just for the fun of it. It is simple and sweet. They are a unique and gifted group of girls. There is no question God will use this group in a mighty way. It was our turn to host this past Friday. We didn't manage to get the entire class there, but those who were had a good time. Lots of games as shown by Tummy Ha, Ha below. Cookies and M&M's galore.....

I am so thankful for the families of these girls. Our daughters are growing up in a challenging time. The world influence is strong. It will take deep prayer, "...the shield of faith, the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit" Eph 6:16-17 for these young ladies to stand strong.

We have enjoyed the blessing of mentors already in our childrens lives. My son, Joey, has been attending a bible study for two years called, "The Backyarders". It was started by two older boys at our church, Justin Hooper and Charlie Grey, who recognized the need for older young men to step in and mentor younger boys. Trust me when I say 10 year old boys need to have positive older male influences in their lives besides their dads. These two young men meet once a week with a group of 11 year olds. They are just boys....they play (or I should say wrestle), they read and study scripture, they ask questions and they pray together. We are so blessed that this type of mentoring was modeled in Justin and Charlie's lives and now they are living the gospel with our boys. They will need the same "shield of faith, helmet of salvation and sword of the Spirit" that our girls need. God has uniquely brought these young ones into this time in History for specific reasons. May we not hinder His work.

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