Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Between Two Worlds

OK....two snap shots of the couch in my office. Yes, I did say my office. When we bought our home 6 years ago David and I both had specific desires in the home we were to purchase. He wanted a third garage for a shop and I wanted a laundry room and an office. Well, compromise took place because we don't have a third garage (although part of the garage was converted to a shop) and I don't have a laundry room. Is it right to actually covet that (I'm thinking not). I did get an office, though and for that I am thankful. My office is a disaster at the moment but as I was cleaning it up I laughed as I was looking at my couch. The stack of books to the left are all that I am studying and reading at the moment. I truly say that with all humility. The Lord has given me a full plate of study at the moment and I am thankful He has also seen fit to give me the time to do it. The stack to the right is of books I was reading to some of the kids. The two stacks seem like they are in stark contrast to each other. Actually they aren't. Both stacks of books deal with trust, trials and how to decipher this God ordained life. Sometimes I wonder where, Brown Bear, Brown Bear, what do you see? belongs. On the right side or the left? I had a friend say to me recently that she felt like her life was lived in snapshot scenes or snippets. A few moments here and a few moments there. Our lives can be complicated pieces of work. It is like a very large mosaic. Individual pieces seem odd shaped and color, but in the big picture they fit together like a well crafted piece of art. Do you know the Artist?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm too much of a "big picture" person. It always frustrates me to only see my little piece of it. And sometimes I can't even see that! It's what scares me about homeschooling. I will freak out if the day doesn't go well (or even if the lesson doesn't!) I need to constantly be reminded to look at the big picture. I need to step back and really see how my teeny-tiny piece fits into the Grand Design. I need to spend more time with the Grand Designer, too!