Friday, June 15, 2007


My husband and I went on a walk the other evening. Let me say that husband and I went on a walk the other evening (Alone!!!). I was thinking it was the first time in 12 years that we have walked alone. I'm not joking. We have four kids. The first who blessed us almost 12 years ago. It was this time 12 years ago that I stopped (supposedly) working and had two forced weeks of down time. My blood pressure did a little hiccup prior to our blessings arrival and I had to stay somewhat quiet for a couple of weeks until his arrival. I haven't had two weeks like that in a long, long time.

We have entered a station of life in our home which I can go to the market or go for a walk or meet a friend for coffee without taking the entire Grant family with me. It is a nice station to be at. We've worked a long 12 years to get to this point. I wasn't sure which side of my husband to walk on and he kept teasing me that I was out of step! Well, there is a being out of step that is. It did make me think of the times in my life where I have been walking, but not always in step with the Lord. I also was thinking about how sweet the reunion is. I know many of you young moms out there are deep in the throws of little blessings in your home. Trust me when I use the word blessings even when you want to drop kick them across the room (don't call Child Protective Services on me).

For everything there is a season Eccl. 3. Just embrace it. Fighting it just adds to the length of your day. Your walk with a friend or loved one is coming....


Katie Lady said...

It just so happens that I took a nice walk this morning all by myself--with my pooch--while Tim and our favorite baby-sitter stayed with the boys. It was like old times, only slower! I look forward to those times I can share those walks with Tim, but also thoroughly enjoy our family walks, which are always an adventure. :)

Anonymous said...

12 YEARS?! Just kidding. There are moments when I look at our 4 little ones and want to freeze time. There are other times when I want to hit the fast-forward button! I had to laugh hearing about your walk. Our family walks are an event- it takes 30 minutes just to get the shoes and jackets on, find the scooters, bikes, etc. (because no one wants to actually walk!) When Ted and I do get out on our own, I flounder sometimes, wondering what to talk about that doesn't include one of the kids' names. But then we settle into it, and it's sweeter than when we were dating. There's something about being with someone for 10 years and having that intimate relationship with your best friend. What a blessing!